June 2024

On June 20, 2024, it was time again.

At 8:15 AM, we departed from the Bahari Beach Hotel in Mombasa to Kilifi to visit the Kolongonie Primary School.

First, we made a stop at the tailor's shop to pay for and pick up the 12 school uniforms.

On board were our driver Lennox, our guide Reuben, and Allan, the head chef from the Bahari Beach Hotel in Mombasa, with 100 freshly prepared chocolate donuts.

An unforgettable day at the Primary School in Kenya

Today, I had the wonderful pleasure of visiting Kolongoni Primary School in Kilifi, Kenya. It was an unforgettable experience that deeply touched my heart. The children greeted me with curious and radiant faces and an incredible warmth. It was a day full of emotions and valuable encounters.

A particularly beautiful moment was when I was able to hand over the footballs at the end. The joy and sparkle in the children's eyes were priceless. It was inspiring to see how much enthusiasm and energy they could put into these simple gifts. It reminds me how little can sometimes mean so much.

Another highlight was that the children wore their new school uniforms that I had brought with me. The uniforms not only gave them a sense of belonging and pride but also symbolized the support and care they receive from the community and from me.

The visit showed me how important education and community are. The teachers and caregivers are doing a great job providing the children with a better future. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a small part of this and look forward to more visits and joint projects.

The joy and gratitude of the children and parents were overwhelming. A total of 12 children each received a uniform, a pair of shoes, notebooks, and pencils. As a special surprise, all the students received 100 donuts (from the kitchen of Bahari Beach Hotel in Mombasa) and 10 balls to play with.

For Scarlet Rajab, there was a special gift, the book "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," and for Madam Sabina, a sewing machine so that she could carry out repairs on the uniforms herself at a low cost.

Kilifi has not only captured my heart but also taught me how strong unity and hope in a community can be. Many thanks to everyone who made this day so special!

It was an unforgettable experience that shows how important and impactful support can be.

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